DSpace/Dipòsit Manakin

Consulteu per matèria "Genètica humana"

Consulteu per matèria "Genètica humana"

Ordena per: Ordre: Resultats:

  • Garzón Montesinos, Carlos (17-09-2018)
    Spontaneous dizygotic (DZ) twinning is a complex trait with an important contribution from environmental factors and genetic disposition. Twin births is a common event with a worldwide incidence that suppose distinct health ...
  • Mulero, María Carmen; Ferres-Marco, Dolors; Islam, Abul; Margalef, Pol; Pecoraro, Matteo; Toll, Agustí; Drechsel, Nils; Charneco, Cristina; Davies, Shelly; Bellora, Nicolás; Gallardo, Fernando; López-Arribillaga, Erika; Asensio-Juan, Elena; Rodilla, Verónica; González, Jessica; Iglesias, Mar; Shih, Vincent; Albà, M. Mar; Di Croce, Luciano; Hoffmann, Alexander; Miyamoto, Shigeki; Villà-Freixa, Jordi; López Bigas, Núria; Keyes, William M.; Domínguez, María; Bigas, Anna; Espinosa, Lluís (Elsevier, 2013)
    IkB proteins are the primary inhibitors of NF-kB. Here, we demonstrate that sumoylated and phosphorylated IkBa accumulates in the nucleus of keratinocytes and interacts with histones H2A and H4 at the regulatory region ...
  • Marcos, Séverine; Monnier, Carine; Rovira, Xavier; Fouveaut, Corinne; Pitteloud, Nelly; Ango, Fabrice; Dodé, Catherine; Hardelin, Jean-Pierre (Oxford University Press, 2017)
    The olfacto-genital syndrome (Kallmann syndrome) associates congenital hypogonadism due to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency and anosmia. This is a genetically heterogeneous developmental disease with various ...
  • Cadenas Sevilla, Beatriz (19-09-2016)
    Obesity and body fat distribution is a complex phenotype highly heritable. Genetic variants showing association with BMI, a measure of body size, or waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI (WHRadjBMI ), a measure of body ...
  • Planas Cuchi, Jordi; Serrat i Jurado, Josep Maria (Public Library of Science, 2010)
    Assessing the contribution of promoters and coding sequences to gene evolution is an important step toward discovering the major genetic determinants of human evolution. Many specific examples have revealed the evolutionary ...
  • Serrat i Jurado, Josep Maria (Universitat de Vic, 2000)
    Una lección como la que hoy tengo el placer de leer con motivo del acto inaugural del curso 2000-2001 tiene que tener forzosamente unas características algo diferentes de las lecciones que impartimos a lo largo del curso ...
  • Serrat i Jurado, Josep Maria (Universitat de Vic, 2000)
    Una lliçó com la que avui tinc el gust de llegir amb motiu de l'acte inaugural del curs 2000-2001 ha de tenir forçosament unes característiques una mica diferents de les lliçons que impartim al llarg del curs a les aules ...
  • Lorenzi, Lisa de; Morando, Paola; Planas Cuchi, Jordi; Zannotti, Michele; Molteni, Luciano; Parma, Pietro (Springer, 2010)
    Chromosomal anomalies, like Robertsonian and reciprocal translocations represent a big problem in cattle breeding as their presence induces, in the carrier subjects, a well documented fertility reduction. In cattle ...
  • Cierco Jiménez, Ramon (17-09-2018)
    The human olfactory system has enormous discriminatory power, with the ability to detect millions of different odorants. The initial recognition of chemical volatiles is performed by the large family of seven-transmembrane ...