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Microkinesiteràpia en dones amb cefalees tensionals cròniques, assaig clínic

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dc.contributor Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i el Benestar
dc.contributor.author Soulayrol, Eloïse
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-21T13:29:45Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-21T13:29:45Z
dc.date.created 2018-11
dc.date.issued 2018-11
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10854/6001
dc.description Curs 2018-2019 es
dc.description.abstract Introducció : La microkinesiteràpia és una branca de la fisioteràpia cada vegada més estudiada que utilitza l’escala microscòpica per tractar lesions musculo-esquelètiques i psicosomàtiques. Les cefalees tensionals afecten amb més prevalença a dones adultes i, tot i sent una patologia que ocasiona molèsties conegudes, el tractament de primera intenció és farmacològic i no tracta la causa d’aparició. Objectius : Estudiar l’efecte de la microkinesiteràpia en la freqüència, durada i intensitat de les cefalees tensionals així com la consumició de fàrmacs, l’impacte sobre la qualitat de vida i els beneficis a llarg termini de la microkinesiteràpia. Aportar nous elements de validació legal de la microkinesiteràpia. Població d’estudi i Mètodes : 154 dones d’entre 30 i 50 anys amb cefalees tensionals cròniques repartides en dos grups. El grup experimental rebrà 2 sessions de microkinesiteràpia més 8 de tractament convencional (teràpia manual, exercicis de relaxació i de respiració abdominals) mentre que el grup control rebrà només 8 sessions del tractament convencional. Instruments per a l’obtenció de les dades : Demanarem que les pacients registrin en un diari de cefalees la freqüència, la intensitat (utilitzant la Numerical Rating Scale) i la durada de les cefalees així com el tipus i la posologia de fàrmacs utilitzats. Utilitzarem el MIDAS (Migraine Disability Assessement questionaire) i el HDI (Headache Disability Inventory) per avaluar el impacte de la microkinesiteràpia sobre la qualitat de vida. Limitacions de l’estudi : No avaluació de l’efecte placebo, no consens científic del tractament convencional de fisioteràpia per les cefalees de tensió, la intensitat del dolor és una variable subjectiva difícilment avaluable, la microkinesiteràpia no té encara prou evidència científica. Background : Microkinesitherapy is a branch of physiotherapy that is being studied more and more over the years. This technique is based on the usage of a microscopic scale to treat musculoskeletal and psychosomatic lesions. Tension-type headaches affect with higher prevalence women and whose uncomfortable símptomes are well known. Despite that, its firstaid treatment is pharmacological and does not treat its initial causes. Objectives: To study the effect of microkinesitherapy on the frequency, duration and intensity of the tension-type headaches, as well as on the consumption of drugs, the impact on the quality of life and the long-term benefits of microkinesitherapy. Bring news elements to evalue microkinesitherapy. Study population and methods: 154 women between 30 and 50 years old with tension headaches distributed in two groups. The experimental group will receive 2 sessions of microkinesitherapy plus 8 of conventional treatment (manual therapy, relaxation exercises and abdominal breathing) while the control group will receive only 8 sessions of the conventional treatment. Instruments for obtaining data: We will request that patients register in a journal of the headaches the frequency, intensity (using the Numerical Rating Scale) and the duration of the headaches as well as the type and dosage of drugs used. We will use MIDAS (Migraine Disability Assessment Questionnaire) and the HDI (Headache Disability Inventory) to evaluate the impact of micro-therapy on quality of life. Study limitacions : No evaluation of the placebo effect, no scientific consensus on the conventional treatment of physiotherapy for the tension headaches, the intensity of pain is a subjective variable that is difficult to evaluate, the microkinesitherapy does not yet have sufficient scientific evidence. es
dc.description.abstract Background : Microkinesitherapy is a branch of physiotherapy that is being studied more and more over the years. This technique is based on the usage of a microscopic scale to treat musculoskeletal and psychosomatic lesions. Tension-type headaches affect with higher prevalence women and whose uncomfortable símptomes are well known. Despite that, its firstaid treatment is pharmacological and does not treat its initial causes. Objectives: To study the effect of microkinesitherapy on the frequency, duration and intensity of the tension-type headaches, as well as on the consumption of drugs, the impact on the quality of life and the long-term benefits of microkinesitherapy. Bring news elements to evalue microkinesitherapy. Study population and methods: 154 women between 30 and 50 years old with tension headaches distributed in two groups. The experimental group will receive 2 sessions of microkinesitherapy plus 8 of conventional treatment (manual therapy, relaxation exercises and abdominal breathing) while the control group will receive only 8 sessions of the conventional treatment. Instruments for obtaining data: We will request that patients register in a journal of the headaches the frequency, intensity (using the Numerical Rating Scale) and the duration of the headaches as well as the type and dosage of drugs used. We will use MIDAS (Migraine Disability Assessment Questionnaire) and the HDI (Headache Disability Inventory) to evaluate the impact of micro-therapy on quality of life. Study limitacions : No evaluation of the placebo effect, no scientific consensus on the conventional treatment of physiotherapy for the tension headaches, the intensity of pain is a subjective variable that is difficult to evaluate, the microkinesitherapy does not yet have sufficient scientific evidence. en
dc.format application/pdf es
dc.format.extent 32 p. es
dc.language.iso cat es
dc.rights Tots els drets reservats es
dc.subject.other Embenat neuromuscular es
dc.subject.other Dolor crònic es
dc.subject.other Cefalàgia -- Tractament es
dc.subject.other Assaigs clínics es
dc.title Microkinesiteràpia en dones amb cefalees tensionals cròniques, assaig clínic es
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis es
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess es

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