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Project management and industrialization of electromechanical automotive components

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dc.contributor Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. Facultat de Ciències, Tecnologia i Enginyeries Herrero de Frutos, Gerard 2023-05-02T13:39:02Z 2023-05-02T13:39:02Z 2022-06 2022-06
dc.description Curs 2021-2022 es
dc.description.abstract This thesis presents the experience and knowledge acquired during a frame time of a Project Management internship at IDNEO Technologies, S.A.U. It reflects the process and activities followed since December 2021, from a Project Manager’s perspective, during Phase 4 (development phase), Phase 5 (pre-production phase), Design Validation and Product Validation to reach the project Start of Production milestone by April 2022. Initially, it briefly goes over Phase 4 and Design Validation carried out during 2020 and 2021 by IDNEO as design engineering responsible. Secondly, it exposes how the project is being transferred to FICOSA to execute Phase 5 and Product Validation activities. During this period has been observed that the similarity between FICOSA and IDNEO development systems, contributes and pushes into project success. A total of 4 different full assembly P/N are being managed on this project. All of them have a direct relationship with an L5 autonomous driving program in the United States. Finally, it presents an analysis and proposes improvements on the company processes to be feasibility examined by the company management in order to implement it. es
dc.description.abstract Aquesta tesis presenta la experiència adquirida durant l’estada com a Project Manager a la empresa IDNEO Technologies, S.A.U. Reflecteix els processos I activitats seguides des de Desembre del 2021 des d’una perspectiva d’un Project Manager durant la Phase 4 (fase de desenvolupament), Phase 5 (fase de preproducció), Design Validation i Product Validation per arribar al Start of Production milestone a l’Abril de 2022. Inicialment, es podrà veure la Fase 4 y el Design Validation executat durant el 2020 i 2021 per IDNEO com a responsable de la enginyeria de disseny. Seguidament, s’exposarà com el projecte s’ha transferida a FICOSA per tal de que executin les activitats de Fase 5 i el Product Validation. Durant aquest període es podrà observar que la similitud entre el FICOSA Development System i el IDNEO Development System han contribuït en el succés del projecte. Un total de 4 diferent Part Numbers han sigut gestionats en aquest projecte. Tots ells tenen una relació directe amb un programa L5 de conducció autònoma als Estats Units. Finalment, presenta un anàlisis i propostes de millora en alguns processos i activitats de la companyia per tal de ser examinats per management d’aquesta amb una futura implementació. es
dc.format application/pdf es
dc.format.extent 68 p. es
dc.language.iso eng es
dc.rights Tots els drets reservats es
dc.subject.other Automòbils -- Indústria i comerç es
dc.subject.other Gestió de projectes es
dc.title Project management and industrialization of electromechanical automotive components es
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis es
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess es

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