Repositorio Dspace

Listar Llibres i capítols de llibres por autor "Rubio, Albert"

Listar Llibres i capítols de llibres por autor "Rubio, Albert"

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  • Borralleras Andreu, Cristina; Ferreira, Maria; Rubio, Albert (Springer, 2000)
    Although theoretically it is very powerful, the semantic path ordering (SPO) is not so udeful in practice, since its monotonicity has to be proved by hand for each concrete term rewrite system (TRS). In this paper we present ...
  • Borralleras Andreu, Cristina; Rubio, Albert (Springer, 2003)
    Abstract. Polynomial interpretations and RPO-like orderings allow one to prove termination of Associative and Commutative (AC-)rewriting by only checkingthe rules of the given rewrite system. However, these methods have ...

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