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Art generatiu. Estudi entorn la complexitat des de la pràctica artística amb codi

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dc.contributor Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. Departament de Comunicació
dc.contributor.author Carreras, Anna
dc.date.accessioned 2024-03-25T07:59:57Z
dc.date.available 2024-03-25T07:59:57Z
dc.date.created 2024-01-25
dc.date.issued 2024-01-25
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10854/7841
dc.description Programa de Doctorat: Traducció, Gènere i Estudis Culturals CA
dc.description.abstract La pràctica artística d'aquesta tesi, l'art generatiu, usa instruccions de codi informàtic i algoritmes per crear obres d'art. S'imaginen i construeixen sistemes –formats per elements gràfics amb certs comportaments i afegint una mica d'atzar– que dibuixen les obres, que les generen. El sistema pot ser complex o en pot emergir certa complexitat en posar-lo en funcionament, en executar-lo. ¿Com poden emergir comportaments complexos d'instruccions determinades i repetitives d'un ordinador? ¿Dibuixar-ho ens pot ajudar a entendre la complexitat en què vivim i que ens trobem? L'art generatiu actual és hereu de les noves avantguardes del s. XX, de l'art abstracte i del conceptual. Els artistes contemporanis dialoguen, en aquest text, amb els pioners de l'art generatiu dels anys 60. I es reflexiona i descriuen pràctiques artístiques i noves maneres de crear, degut a l'aparició del web3, l'art generatiu de sèrie llarga i les noves galeries d'art digital. En aquest escenari la complexitat queda més acotada al sistema generatiu i depèn menys de la curadoria de l'artista, de manera que la recerca entorn als sistemes complexos i els algoritmes cobra cert pes. El marc habitual de l'art generatiu ubica la complexitat en un continu que va entre l'ordre i el desordre. En aquesta investigació basada en la pràctica artística es proposa un marc nou. Cadascun dels projectes explor una característica dels sistemes complexos per a destil·lar-ne, mica en mica, certs coneixements. Es presenten 5 projectes que sostenen la recerca: “L'algorisme despullat” que qüestiona la interacció amb l'entorn, “Trossets” explora la diversitat, “Ganxillo” afegeix el dinamisme i la repetició, “Estratosfèric” accentua i observa el soroll, i “Discs” emfatitza la interacció entre individus. Paral·lelament es posa en relleu com la pràctica artística amb codi presenta un enfoc escaient, original i una mirada única per a l'estudi de la complexitat. es
dc.description.abstract The practice of generative art, the artistic practice behind this project-based thesis, involves using computer code instructions and algorithms to create works of art. This involves building systems that consist of graphic elements with specific behaviors andadding randomness to them to generate unique works of art. These systems can be complex, and certain complexities can emerge from them when they are run. It is interesting to ponder how complex behaviors can emerge from specific and repetitive instructions of a deterministic computer. Can studying generative art help us understand the complexity of the world we live in? Generative art is based on the abstract and conceptual art of the 20th century. Contemporary generative artists are in dialogue, in this text, with the pioneers ofgenerative art from the 1960s. Due to the emergence of web3 and the new digital art galleries, generative art has evolved into long-form series and research around complex systems and algorithms has become essential because, in this scenario, the complexity is more limited to the generative system and depends less on the artist's curation. The most common framework for understanding complexity in generative art places complexity on a continuum between order and disorder. However, a new framework is proposed in this research based on artistic practice. The research explores characteristics of complex systems to distill certain ideas and concepts that are used on each artístic project to gain knowledge. The study presents five projects that support the research: "L'algorisme despullat" questions the interaction with the environment, "Trossets" explores diversity, "Ganxillo" adds dynamism and repetition, "Estratosfèric" accentuates and observes noise, and "Discs" emphasizes the interaction between individuals. These projects show how the artistic practice with code presents an appropriate and original approach to the study of complexity as a broad theme. The artistic practice behind this thesis, generative art, uses computer code instructions and algorithms to create works of art. Generative art imagines and builds systems –made up of graphic elements with certain behaviors and adding a bit of randomness– that draw the works, that generate them. The system can be complex or a certain complexity can emerge from it when running it. How can complex behaviors emerge from specific and repetitive instructions of a deterministic computer? Drawing these systems can help us to understand the complexity in which we live and find our selves? Current generative art is heir to the new avant-gardes of the 20th century, abstract and conceptual art. Contemporary artists dialogue, in this text, with the pioneers of generative art of the 60s and the artistic practices and new ways of creating, due to the emergence of the web3, generative art of long series, and the new digital art galleries. In this scenario, the complexity is more limited to the generative system and depends less on the artist's curation, so that research around complex systems and algorithms takes on a certain weight. The most common framework places complexity on a continuum between order and disorder for generative art. A new framework is proposed in this research based on artístic practice. Each of the projects explores a characteristic of complex systems to distill, little by little, certain knowledge. 5 projects are presented that support the research: «L'algorisme despullat» which questions the interaction with the environment, «Trossets» explores diversity, «Ganxillo» adds dynamism and repetition, «Estratosfèric» accentuates and observes noise, and «Discs» emphasizes the interaction between individuals. At the same time, these projects highlight how the artistic practice with code presents anappropriate, original approach and a unique look for the study of complexity as a broad theme es
dc.format application/pdf es
dc.format.extent 230 p. es
dc.language.iso cat es
dc.publisher Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya es
dc.rights Aquest document està subjecte a aquesta llicència Creative Commons es
dc.rights.uri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.ca es
dc.subject.other Art generatiu es
dc.subject.other Complexitat es
dc.subject.other Algorismes es
dc.subject.other Sistemes complexos es
dc.title Art generatiu. Estudi entorn la complexitat des de la pràctica artística amb codi es
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis es
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess es
dc.contributor.director Barrière, Eulalia
dc.contributor.director Feliu Fabra, Mireia
dc.contributor.director Palomo Chinarro, Ana María

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