DSpace/Dipòsit Manakin

Consulteu Articles per matèria "Trophic Web"

Consulteu Articles per matèria "Trophic Web"

Ordena per: Ordre: Resultats:

  • Parra, Gema; Guerrero, Francisco; Armengol, Xavier; Brendonck, Luc; Brucet Balmaña, Sandra; Finlayson, Max C.; Gomes-Barbosa, Luciana; Grillas, Patrick; Jeppesen, Erik; Ortega, Fernando; Vega, Rafael; Zohary, Tamar (Taylor & Francis Online, 2021)
    The Andalusian International University held a workshop entitled Temporary wetlands’ future in drylands under the projected global change scenario in March 2020 in Baeza, Spain, with 26 participants from 10 countries. The ...

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