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Prediction and punctuation of the effect of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms of the structure and function of membrane proteins 591

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Prediction and punctuation of the effect of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms of the structure and function of membrane proteins 14 0 1 5 0 5 8

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trealu_a2016_reina_iker_prediction.pdf 1691

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Estats Units 209
Espanya 80
Suècia 52
Xina 48
Ucraïna 37
Alemanya 36
França 26
Regne Unit 22
Canadà 13
Països Baixos 6

Ciutats amb més visualitzacions

Barcelona 45
Ashburn 41
Oakland 29
Ann Arbor 21
Guangzhou 19
Redwood City 13
Mountain View 12
Toronto 12
Woodbridge 9
Jacksonville 8

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