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Analysis of the effect of Sun / Shade treatment on the success of hatching, the emergency success, and the morphology of the specie Lepidochelys olivacea marine turtles, in a hatchery on the Piro beach (Peninsula of Osa, Costa Rica) 499

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gener 2024 febrer 2024 març 2024 abril 2024 maig 2024 juny 2024 juliol 2024
Analysis of the effect of Sun / Shade treatment on the success of hatching, the emergency success, and the morphology of the specie Lepidochelys olivacea marine turtles, in a hatchery on the Piro beach (Peninsula of Osa, Costa Rica) 7 23 11 9 7 23 4

Visites al fitxer

trealu_a2018_hurtado_claudia_analisis_effect.pdf 486

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Estats Units 192
Regne Unit 38
Espanya 35
Ucraïna 33
Alemanya 26
Suècia 26
Costa Rica 15
França 14
Xina 13
Mèxic 13

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Oakland 32
Redwood City 16
Menlo Park 14
Mountain View 12
Fairfield 9
Cartago 8
Jacksonville 8
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