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Saving freshwater from salts. Ion-specific standards are needed to protect biodiversity

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dc.contributor Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya
dc.contributor.author Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel
dc.contributor.author Hawkins, Charles
dc.contributor.author Kefford, Ben
dc.contributor.author Schäfer, R.B.
dc.contributor.author Dyack, B.J.
dc.contributor.author Brucet Balmaña, Sandra
dc.contributor.author Buchwaleter, D.
dc.contributor.author Dunlop, J.
dc.contributor.author Frör, O.
dc.contributor.author Lazorchak, J.
dc.contributor.author Coring, Eckhard
dc.contributor.author Fernandez, H.R.
dc.contributor.author Goodfellow, W.
dc.contributor.author González Achem, A.L.
dc.contributor.author Hatfield-Dodds, S.
dc.contributor.author Karimov, B.K.
dc.contributor.author Mensah, P.
dc.contributor.author Olson, J.R.
dc.contributor.author Piscart, C.
dc.contributor.author Prat, Narcís
dc.contributor.author Ponsá Salas, Sergio
dc.contributor.author Schulz, C.J.
dc.contributor.author Timpano, A.J.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-04-26T15:29:50Z
dc.date.available 2021-04-26T15:29:50Z
dc.date.created 2016
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.citation Cañedo-Argüelles, M., C. P. Hawkins, B. J. Kefford, R. B. Schäfer, B. J. Dyack, S. Brucet, D. Buchwalter, J. Dunlop, O. Frör, J. Lazorchak, E. Coring, H. R. Fernandez, W. Goodfellow, A. L. González Achem, S. Hatfield-Dodds, B. K. Karimov, P. Mensah, J. R. Olson, C. Piscart, N. Prat, Ponsa S., C.-J. Schulz, A. J. Timpano. (2016). Saving freshwater from salts. Science AAAS, 351 (6276), 914-916. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad3488 es
dc.identifier.issn 0036-8075
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10854/6615
dc.description TECNIOspring Program es
dc.description.abstract Many human activities—like agriculture and resource extraction—are increasing the total concentration of dissolved inorganic salts (i.e., salinity) in freshwaters. Increasing salinity can have adverse effects on human health (1); increase the costs of water treatment for human consumption; and damage infrastructure [e.g., amounting to $700 million per year in the Border Rivers catchment, Australia (2)]. It can also reduce freshwater biodiversity (3); alter ecosystem functions (4); and affect economic well-being by altering ecosystem goods and services (e.g., fisheries collapse). Yet water-quality legislation and regulations that target salinity typically focus on drinking water and irrigation water, which does not automatically protect biodiversity. For example, specific electrical conductivities (a proxy for salinity) of 2 mS/cm can be acceptable for drinking and irrigation but could extirpate many freshwater insect species (3). We argue that salinity standards for specific ions and ion mixtures, not just for total salinity, should be developed and legally enforced to protect freshwater life and ecosystem services. We identify barriers to setting such standards and recommend management guidelines.
dc.format application/pdf es
dc.format.extent 3 p. es
dc.language.iso eng es
dc.publisher AAAS es
dc.rights Tots els drets reservats es
dc.rights (c) AAAS
dc.subject.other Salinitat es
dc.title Saving freshwater from salts. Ion-specific standards are needed to protect biodiversity es
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article es
dc.identifier.doi https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aad3488
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess es
dc.type.version info:eu-repo/acceptedVersion es
dc.indexacio Indexat a WOS/JCR es
dc.indexacio Indexat a SCOPUS es
dc.contribution.funder ICREA

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