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The production of a lead glaze with galena: Thermal transformations in the PbS–SiO2 system 630

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The production of a lead glaze with galena: Thermal transformations in the PbS–SiO2 system 7 1 0 9 68 16 3

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artconlli_a2017_difebo_roberta_production.pdf 1658

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Estats Units 450
Suècia 35
Espanya 26
Alemanya 21
Ucraïna 20
Xina 15
Canadà 8
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Irlanda 8
Mèxic 6

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Ashburn 110
Fairfield 98
Ann Arbor 50
Oakland 30
Houston 27
Cambridge 26
Mountain View 12
Menlo Park 10
San Diego 10
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